You will need: Firebricks/spacer grate
Top heat: approx. 250-280°C/300-350°C
Preheating: approx. 15 minutes
Working hours: 50 minutes
Cooking time: ca. 45-50 minutes
Ingredients (for 6 persons)
For the duck legs:
- 6 duck legs
- 300 g soup vegetables, roughly diced
- 350 ml red wine
- 350 ml vegetable stock or duck stock
- 2 bay leaves
- 8 peppercorns
- 1 tsp marjoram
- 2-4 cloves (to taste)
- ½ cinnamon stick (to taste)
- 30 g cold butter
- Cranberry or redcurrant jam
- Salt, pepper
- Cornstarch
For the potato and mushroom roll:
- 750 g potato dough (preferably homemade) or alternatively from the chiller cabinet
For the filling:
- 1 tbsp butter
- 1-2 shallots, finely diced
- 200 g mushrooms, chopped
- Salt, pepper
- ½ bunch parsley, chopped
In addition:
- 2-3 tablespoons melted butter
- 1-2 tbsp breadcrumbs
- Grease for the mold
For the baked apples:
- 6 small tart apples
- Cranberry jam
- 100 ml white wine
The day before:
Dab the duck legs thoroughly dry, rub with salt and pepper and place in the fridge overnight.
For the duck legs:
Remove the duck legs from the fridge two to three hours before serving so that they can reach room temperature.
Heat the Merklinger to 250-280°C.
Place the duck legs skin side up in a roasting tin and arrange the vegetables next to them. Place the roasting tin on the spacer rack on the firebricks and cook the duck legs with the vegetables for approx. 25 minutes.
Pour in the wine and stock, add the spices and spread the butter in small pieces over the vegetables. Carefully prick the skin of the duck legs with a fine fork to allow the fat to escape. Do not damage the meat.
Add another 2-3 logs and increase the top heat in the Merklinger to 300-350°C.
Bake the duck legs for a further 20-25 minutes until crispy. Salt again if necessary to make them even crispier. (Core temperature pink: 65-69°C, through: 70-75 °C)
Remove the roasting pan from the Merklinger. Keep the duck legs warm.
Pour the sauce through a hair sieve, bring to the boil (degrease if necessary) and season to taste with salt, pepper and jam. Thicken with cornflour.
For the potato and mushroom roll:
Melt the butter in a pan and sauté the shallots and mushrooms. Stir in the parsley and season with salt and pepper.
Roll out the potato dough between two pieces of baking paper or cling film to form a long rectangle.
Remove the top baking paper and spread the filling over the potato dough. Leave a 1-2 cm wide edge free. Roll up the roll from the long side and place in a greased oven dish. Brush with the melted butter and sprinkle with the breadcrumbs. Bake in the hot Merklinger for approx. 25-30 minutes. Cut into slices and serve.
For the baked apples:
Wash the apples, cut out the core, place in an ovenproof dish and fill with the cranberry jam. Pour in the white wine. Roast the apples in the hot Merklinger for approx. 30 minutes.
Serve the duck legs with the sauce, baked apples and slices of potato and mushroom roll.
Cook the potato and mushroom roll and the baked apples for the first 30 minutes at the lower temperature in the Merklinger.